關(guān)鍵字:聚氯乙烯絕緣連接軟電纜(電線),Control cable,Rubber cable dbzz
用途: 廣州市東方電線電纜廠額定電壓450/750V及以下聚氯乙烯絕緣電線電纜又稱電氣裝備用電線電纜,適用于交流額定電壓450/750V以下的電力設(shè)備、電器儀表等廣泛的環(huán)境里,是一般日常生活中使用最多的電線電纜。 歡迎瀏覽網(wǎng)站:http://www.cabledf.cebiz.cn China soft wire 13600023420 Name: soft PVC insulated cables connected (wire) Category: rated voltage 450/750 V and below PVC insulated cables Model: 227 IEC02 (RV) Specifications :1.5-240 mm ² Use:China Eastern rated voltage wire and cable 450/750 V and below PVC insulated electrical wire and cable equipment is also known as wire and cable, applicable to the exchange following 450/750 V rated voltage electrical equipment, electrical instruments, such as a wide range of environment, Is generally used in the daily lives of most of the wire and cable. Welcome to Web site: http://www.cabledf.cebiz.cn